“Praise be to God, the accreditation team for halal product assessor institutions has commenced its activities, and the team has also processed applications from nine institutions to be designated as halal product assessors,” BPJPH head Aqil Irham said in a written statement in Jakarta recently.
The nine institutions that have applied for halal product assessor status include Bandung Institute of Technology’s Salman Mosque Foundation, Pekanbaru Product Development and Industry Standardization Agency, Hidayatullah Central Executive Board, and Muhammadiyah Halalan Thayyiban Agency, he informed.
The Trade Ministry’s Directorate of Standardization and Quality Control Certification Agency, Padang’s Bersama Madani Foundation, Brawijaya University, Hasanuddin University, and Syiah Kuala University have also filed applications, he added.
The nine institutions have undergone document verification and on-site validation stages, which were carried out by the accreditation team that was established on November 10, 2021, the BPJPH head said.
The nine institutions will support the current three halal product assessor institutions, namely the Indonesia Ulema Council’s Food and Cosmetics Assessment Agency, Sucofindo Halal Assessment Agency, and Surveyor Indonesia Halal Assessment Agency, Irham noted.
“The new halal assessor institutions will enhance the infrastructure necessary to accelerate halal certification. Some other institutions are already on a waiting list to be certified as halal assessor institutions,” he said.
Government Regulation No. 39 of 2021 on halal product assurance organization has formed the legal basis for activities conducted by the accreditation team, the agency head informed.
“We have also involved academics, practitioners, religious scholars, and government apparatus with relevant competence and expertise on halal products in the accreditation team,” Irham said.
The BPJPH is encouraging more institutions to apply for halal product assessor status to help domestic entrepreneurs and industry actors apply for halal certification, he added.
Originally published on www.antaranews.com
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