RAM Ratings Assigns AAA(fg) Rating To Puncak Wangi’s Proposed Guaranteed Sukuk 2014-09-09 by Hafiz M. AhmedRAM Ratings has assigned a AAA(fg)/stable rating to Puncak Wangi Sdn Bhd’s (Puncak Wangi or the Company) Proposed Guaranteed IMTN Programme of up to …Read moreRAM Ratings Assigns AAA(fg) Rating To Puncak Wangi’s Proposed Guaranteed Sukuk
RAM Ratings Sees Great Potential In Green Sukuk 2014-09-09 by Hafiz M. AhmedRAM Ratings sees great potential in Green Sukuk, in tandem with the increased interest in both Shari’ah-compliant and ethical investment. The use of …Read moreRAM Ratings Sees Great Potential In Green Sukuk